Spectacular Lending LLC provides finance and funding for large corporations and government on projects generally greater than $5 million and above.


Spectacular Lending LLC provides finance and funding for large corporations and government on projects generally greater than $5 million and above.

We may assist in the preparation of a formal application to obtain suitable project financing / funding for development projects. We receive professional fees for our experience, specialist services and sourcing of financial solutions. Our professionals bring executive level experience in top-tear investment banking and consultation in various industries throughout the world. We provide access to the most advanced financial products and source unique funding solutions through major banks and regulated asset managers providing structures for challenging solutions.


- Large Government projects
- Large Industrial projects
- Commercial Buildings and Real Estate
- Education – Universities
- Agricultural projects
- Hospitals, Medical Science,
- Alternative Energy projects
- Technological advancement
- Tourist resorts projects
- Government infrastructure
- Mining and exploration
- Oil and Gas


We Have The Right Investors For Your Business

Spectacular Lending LLC is a consultancy financier group, providing a comprehensive project funding solutions. Spectacular Lending LLC has distinguished itself by providing expert access to the most advanced financing products and source unique funding solutions through major banks and capital markets providing funding for challenging situations.

Spectacular Lending LLC maintains close associations with chief international Capital Market hubs, Arab lenders, top government functionaries where we source funding for large valued projects. Our concepts utilize the vast array of major banks and multiple international financial institutions for international project funding. We maintain close strategic associations with capital market groups and banks in USA, London,Singapore, Frankfurt, Zurich, Malaysia, Belgium, China, France, Spain,Geneva and Hong Kong.

We assist governments and large corporations for consulting, management and the financing of major development projects. We assist in the preparation of a formal application and necessary documentation to obtain suitable project financing.


Spectacular Lending LLC

Contact Us

We always welcome your feedback about our service – whether you found it friendly and helpful, or whether it fell short of your expectations. Please Contact Us with your comments and we’ll respond as soon as possible.